Monday, February 1, 2010

Firearm Control Card Opinions About Gun Control?

Opinions About Gun Control? - firearm control card

I want to know people's opinions on the control of firearms.
I think it should have very little control of firearms.
To obtain a pistol is what you are doing is a written test and a should be in the range with a rifle and a pistol, and exist only once in their test both LIFE.IT get a passport so if you buy a display of weapons that the donor card and you have a gun is that.Also not simply a ban on certain types of firearms.So If you want to receive up to fully automatic weapons, if you want.


Jagerman... said...

I agree with you, James. Consider what part of the right of citizens to bear arms and must not be violated, do not understand others? A right is the sovereignty to act without the other. The purchase of a gun is a privilege, it is a right, then there is no testing or jump through hoops to "permission" to purchase a firearm should be preserved.

When not exist for the ban to go there should be. Why do you think the second amendment does not say "be violated?" I am not advocating that all should have nuclear weapons, not at all sure that it is not. I am simply saying that all small arms, which must be protected at the common militia the second amendment. The point is that we have more power than the government, the means to protect our freedom and rebellion, if necessary. The founding fathers of this nation wanted to be teachers and government, a slave.

Firearms are the importance of the Constitution seconds. You are the teeth of the American people, liberty and the cornerstone ofIndependence. "- George Washington

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. If people are afraid of government tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

John S, BaC said...

I think every adult U.S. citizen should have the right to carry their own weapon, and unless it is a criminal. Some states are trying to keep laws on law-abiding citizens to possess weapons. That is wrong.
In my state (Alabama), an adult can buy a weapon if they have no criminal record that includes weapons. You can also use these weapons have open somewhere other than school zones, and federal or state property. If you want to conceal and carry a firearm, you need to do a license. And who even a criminal record and 21 years can obtain a permit.
I think we have a certain level of gun control in weapons from the hands of those who think they are committing a crime, too. But never stop controls, right of law-abiding citizens to easily get a gun.

Aycora Bayduv said...

There is a difference between the control of firearms and weapons safer for all. I am against "gun control" which in essence, to prohibit a different name, restrict and prohibit the use of firearms. However, I am making guns safer, especially for children. In some places it is too easy to obtain legally for a person not in a position of a weapon. It is true that he / she could bring a weapon on the black market, but does not hurt to double, triple sure that weapon in the hands of responsible owners.

♥Bond Girl♥ said...

"Guns do not kill people, kill people."

If we rid ourselves of weapons, there will be an alternative for people who harm themselves to others with the same ease.
And yes, there is a way to "get rid" of people. You Stick'em in prison or, if they deserve the death penalty.

♥Bond Girl♥ said...

"Guns do not kill people, kill people."

If we rid ourselves of weapons, there will be an alternative for people who harm themselves to others with the same ease.
And yes, there is a way to "get rid" of people. You Stick'em in prison or, if they deserve the death penalty.

Arthur A said...

. As the owner of a gun equipped with a license, you can say that everything is not as simple as your question. No fingerprints and criminal records. This is how it should aways.

ClanMan said...

What? Getting rid of weapons to stop and people will kill each other? LMAO, you can remove all possible types of weapons, but people still have their own hands. Want to make this too far?

birdie said...

Too bad that the Supreme Court does not agree with you ... wait until you do business in the next .... more regularly on the road!

Jamie Marie said...

If r weapons are prohibited, only those weapons ban. I think, take exactly the right weapons (guns)!

dickn200... said...

First, I'm going assume you're referring to the United States to their constiution (changed 2.), which guarantees its citizens to carry the right to arms.

My opinion is that there is no law that should be the arms at all levels of government control. I'm ambivalent on a written test. I am a war veteran and former weapons expert, and I can not think of asking a question to a civilian convince them that they were qualified and possess a weapon other than a competent psychological profile. A course of practical training with firearms is a different matter and should not be limited to a visit to a beach. Moreover, the benefits of a law on control of firearms, I could see anybody to buy the old weapons they chose to use and learn the hard way. This would reduce the population of fools and children, neighbors, etc.

Oh, and it is perfectly legal to own a fully automatic weqapon. Everything you need to do is to be charged for the registration of licensed weapons, and federal taxes.

Gray Wanderer said...

I am to any law restricting gun ownership by adults, granted not prohibited persons, contrary to.

I also believe that in 1986 the prohibition of new weapons and newly imported basic citizen should be removed, and red tape to a recording of the class III should receive a simple background check to be reduced.

Gun Control Inc. aka The Brady Campaign was singing, the smooth air safety, drivers are forced to pass through checkpoints to ensure that they had no weapons (many of) them, unarmed, before that date. For some reason, the item was removed from its website September 12, 2,001th

A score faster: Who is "independent" of today is not whether the laws were the major arms control adopted in this country.

Independ... said...

"The weapons kill, people, people kill people"

Well, unfortunately we can not get rid of people you can get rid of weapons.

Independ... said...

"The weapons kill, people, people kill people"

Well, unfortunately we can not get rid of people you can get rid of weapons.

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