Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Homeowners Insurance Expired Must I Pay? How Long Can An Insurance Co Charge You For A Policy You Didn't Want, But Automatically Renewed?

Must I pay? How long can an insurance co charge you for a policy you didn't want, but automatically renewed? - homeowners insurance expired

This year I made the mortgage on my house. I have a house for sale, and I decided that the homeowners insurance after I could do without your renewal, since I have never filed a complaint in 15 years. I take the time to cancel the insurance, because I thought that the policy will automatically terminate if is not paid. The house was four months after the due date for property insurance but the insurance company considers it to be sold to pay four months (which sums up to $ 314) due to the automatic renewal policy. I refuse to pay what me more of the collection. I have to? What happens if you ignore the notice of collection?


mbrcatz said...

Yes, of course, you have to pay. They do not take the time to terminate the insurance. The policy will not terminate automatically, probably because your insurance doens't allow the Department of State.

Had there been a fire and the insurance company may not have been forced to pay to go after the premium.

If you do not pay to get them on and.

Lovelyki... said...

If you ignore them, then screw your credit card.

LokoLobo said...

You can cancel at any time, in general .. but if you do not cancel, you must still pay for what you use .. Even if you wanted to, was the coverage and the need to pay for it ..
But if you do not still pay, and for that, because you give to your insurance company and cancel the policy it is necessary ..

old school said...

What is the state of politics? Is there an automatic renewal? If so, you must pay. If not, cancel the extension.

steve s said...

I neogiate a slight decrease in the number, because I showed it to other police and had not yet reached the renewal date. Have you ever had a notice on the payroll? About the insurance paid by the lender, then you pay mortgatge? If you can prove that you should have received no notification of the premium, and if the law allows the state to denounce the policy of non-payment of premium, one might argue that you owe less than four months premium. But most pay liikely with anything. His lack of reporting is probably the best argument that you have one if you can prove, through the process of the insurance company, which has never been cashed. But since you have just sold your house, you can not claim poverty effectively, and they want to collect your money. As already mentioned, if you have a complaint, it comes after the money.

His inability to effectively manage their activities and not pay full apology to an honest mistake. Under the terms of the contract and mustMoney.

bob shark said...

You pay now or they will be placed in the insurance industry world black list and never insured for something new.

Golden Rule Insurance "to pay their premiums" and "All cancellations must be made in writing"

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